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Saturday, October 1, 2022

I have been to hell and back lately.  It doesn't help that I have had 3 jobs piling up, working back to back with 2 hours of sleep between each shift.  This week, I had a conflict with other members of my son's side of the family.  My son's dad moved back to Liberia in 2002.  He never moved back to the United States.  My son was 4 when he moved back.  I have become friends with all of my son's aunts, uncles, cousins, grandmother, etc.  They have been in my life 17 years.  My son is not the type to show emotion.  When we first moved back here, he did not want to go down to the Cities to see the family often.  As he grew older, he was willing to go from time to time but had a busy restaurant job.  He was already in the Army when Sam died.  Sam, the father, died 2 weeks after my son graduated from boot camp.  to be continued

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