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Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Then again Revised

 He tried to kill himself twice over two different women.  Judy told me it was attention seeking.  The other one was not quite sure.  I tried to do him good by getting him into treatment and he told me he would be going the Summer of 2022 but he never went.  I was not his lover at the time.  He was willing to put a knife in his body to prove he is damaged but he cannot attend one AA or church recovery meeting.

I was extremely damaged by his behavior on June 4, 2022.  I came to pick up my jacket I left and he was so drunk he spilled his drink everywhere.  He tried something else that was highly inappropriate and I had to sprint out of the house.  He said he would burn my jacket.  The next day he apologized.

I fell out of love with him in 2019 when I met someone new in Colorado.   Someone strong who worked 16 hour days and also owned his own trucking business.  My life then got better.

Amy faded out of the sunset when she became a drug addict again and finally went to treatment. Now she is in Texas.

I think about him from time to time now because we both work in schools again.

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