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Thursday, October 21, 2021

The end of CM, new beginnings

 Maybe I was just a passing Orb in the sky

A nightingale Angel to feed you soulful dreams

A whimsical dancer pirouetting on your hardwood floors

Yet you were a man of steel, iron, and 18 wheelers

your son was filled up by corn husks as you

watered down the cattle trailer

a backyard full of idle Chevys

collecting memories like ashes of your dad's oil spills

You were a trophy husband

with a gutted out bed of rusty rock gardens

and a wife who left you due to neglect

I couldn't find your inner crutches

or your engine-beating heart

a man of simple words

with limited vision

I paralyzed your flip phone

with NSA hackings

Your two finger touch could not reach the golden age

Now you lay immune to women in your four cornered upholstered bed

Your Trump flag blocking the sunlight

Meeting a stranger was fun

Until I found out you had a Stepford wife track of 

Rush Limbaugh implanted in your brain

Your hate for America was bigger than Sara Palin's love for it

and someone blew out the window of your Ford Ranger

due to your Trumper bumper affinities

Ignorance met vengeance on Highway 63

There was no affection worth saving.

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