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Tuesday, August 18, 2015


I have lived in Duluth for 3 years now.  I arrived this week 3 years ago.   It's been a navigational ride.  I met a lot of friends at Fonduluth the first 1.5 years.  Then, I retreated and the last year I have been attending a group that helped me sort out my problems and priorities.   I have caught up with all my relatives; 4 on my mom's side and 3 on my dad's side.  I recently found Regis, my dad's cousin, whom is still alive.  She went to Calgary earlier this year and she is going to France in about a month.   She is in her mid 80s.  That is pretty unbelievable in itself.  I am grateful for Toivo and his generosity to my family.   Quayle (name change) is someone I can empathize with but I am saddened for him because he never got over his childhood trauma.  He holds grudges and has a harsh opinion of people.  I've known people like him.  It means they don't have a lot of love in their life and they feel under-loved.   I know some people have ignored him but he has driven others away.   I have still not reconnected with Pritchard because he has chosen a life of solitude.   
I won't mention the others at this time even though this blog is rather obscure and only viewed by a few people from my past.
I am running for school board.  It is exciting to learn about the process of running for public office.  There are endorsement screenings we must go through.  There are interviews with the media.   There are questionaires that are detailed.  Some questionaires restrict your word count just like some face to face interviews restrict your time.  There are people who have chosen pre-destined political alliances even before the race started and there are sitting board members who think they have the power to control the future by hand picking their successors.  Nothing like that really works in real life.   Look at Jesse Ventura who won the Minnesota governorship.   He beat Hubert Humphrey's son.  A boa feather wrestler beat a Vice President's son.  Now, in the 2016 Presidential race, Donald Trump with his outlandish statements on Obama's birth records in the past, he claim that even immigrant parents who gave birth to children here won't be legitimate and other over the top comments---is ahead in the polls because of glitz and no substance.  I want to be judged on my experience as a teacher not for glitz.  But charm can win a race over.  I don't have puckered lips like Trump or media wars with people like Rosie O'Donnell.  I have more favorable amo than Trump.  However, a false ego can create false pride.  I want to theorize about my belief systems in politics, political philosophy, government and education.   I want to espouse ideas so they may register with people and allow them to ponder things.  I am glad I am involved with something exciting and valuable.  Duluth School Board needs good input and fresh blood.  With that I will close.  

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