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Sunday, May 31, 2015

The spiraling effects of the down hill slide of life 15 minutes a day, yeah right

Wednesday I was busy.  Thurs. I had 2 commitments which I can't explain on social media, Friday I had a bad sinus headache but I worked 12 hours, 5.5 hours driving and 5 hrs in a group home.  Sat-Sunday I worked 18 hours straight.  So when do i have time to blog?  uh ...once in a while.  I am supposed to be finishing my research on the Milwaukee 14.  I have too many irons in the fire, really.  My passion is my radio show because it has gotten to be a lot more fun!!!  Don and Jon are excellent co hosts and bring so much to the table!!!  Lately we have covered hot topics like Jade Helm 15, a military operation that will be initiated from Lubbock, Texas on July 15, 2015 as a form of marital law/exercise to experimentally subdue segments of the American population....unclear purpose since it is the U.S. private citizens that subsidizes the U.S. military.  Looking for Isis defectors is like looking for a wood tick in a pile of dead wood.  Anyhoo, we have done a lot more shows lately featuring Bob Dylan, Oprah Winfrey's life, Britney Spears, Billboard music awards, transgendering & more.  There's a lot to tell but I am short on energy.  I recently found more information on my geneology.  I also plan to visit my mom's best friend in Chisholm, MN.  I am going Friday.  all 4 now.   the truth is I can't blog 15 minutes a day, maybe 15 min a week.   Janessa aka Scarlett Risen

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