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Saturday, March 5, 2011

The rug pulled out from under me

Nobody wants to dwell on bad things but I have found out this week from one experience and a set of events that the person I am working for in one room is a terrible person. This week she lied about something I did. She told the supervisor. I found out another administrator at my job got passed over by a job from her because she gave out bad references. I wonder what her problem is. I decided to step back from the situations and play out all the scenarios in my head including putting in my resignation. I really don't need someone accusing me of doing something a third grader could accomplish when I am age 50. I am going to politely ask for different hours or a different room. I am so over having a crisis about things I cannot control. I know what my worth is and if someone is going to attempt to downgrade me, I will fight back but not in an overt manner. I will use logic, persuasion and instinct to overcome adversity. I know the employee manager is capable of seeing the forest through the trees. I have to trust she will. Well, tonight I have to analyze a speech by Daniel Webster so I am not going to dwell on the sorrow I experience at work. I got a new desktop computer and love, love, love it. I am thankful for extra time I had today to recuperate. In God's love, Jane

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