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Saturday, March 14, 2015

Jon's advice and my healing humor.

I am gunna put you on my delete you forever list....

I am gunna put you on my Miley Cyrus It's my party, I can do what I want to list.

I am going to put you on my Barbie and Ken social outcast party list. 

I am gunna put you on my Ken-Ken, Perez Hilton never gets a booty call list.

I am going to put you on my college uneducated list.

I am gunna put you on my bitch about everything society...and the government does wrong list.

I am taking you off my Woody Harrelson private twitter feed

I am going to put you on Nikki Minaj anaconda whoop your ass twitter feed.

I am going to put you on a never had a private persona only a public online persona list.

Hem ha Hem ha

.."Considering his moral situation you may never hear of see from him again.  But it's probably better not to drink his koolaid or hear his gospel."

-Jon Y.

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